our committee Focus
As a committee we are always looking for volunteers to fill any open positions that may be available. As a committee of more than just one voice we can make sure that we are addressing the needs of everyone.
Assist trans* community members who need assistance with.
trans* gender education
Educate the general public and members of LGBTQ resource center on broad trans* community issues education and sensitivity training.
pamphlet development
Organize social events that are open and welcoming to members of the community and friendly to gender non conforming identity and expression.
Trans* Day of Remembrance
Trans* Day of Visibility
Intersex Awareness Event
As well as many other smaller social events
Outreach to local business owners to develop safe environments for people who are gender non conforming in their gender expression.
Maintain legal resource guides for community members relating to name and gender change.
Assist in advocacy prior to legal action on behalf of community members.
Refer to local trans* friendly lawyers if needed.
Assist with communication to the Transgender Law Center should local resource be unavailable.
Recruit and train Legal Advocates to accompany clients to court appointments.
Outreach to local employers to develop policies which are trans* inclusive.
Help community members with employment resources and develop a guide of local trans* friendly employers.
Assist community members with job-seeking skills.
resume development
talking with former employers of transitioned job seekers
organize job fairs or job skills training workshops
Outreach to local medical and mental health practitioners to educate about gender issues and advocate for WPATH.
Develop a comprehensive list of practitioners in all specialties and medical groups in the North County area.
Communicate with local health groups to survey and increase the number of educated physicians and therapists in North San Diego County.
Recruit and train Patient Advocates to accompany clients to doctor visits, and advocate as needed.
Develop and maintain online resources to enhance education and visibility for NC-GAP.
This web page and also www.ncresourcecenter.org
Social media (Facebook & Instagram)
Obtain resources from and share resources with other trans* websites.
Observe other area media and advocate in the case of misinformation or misrepresentation of trans* issues in local media.