Become A Volunteer
There are many ways for you to help out and get involved!

Group facilitators
Hold weekly social support groups
e.g.: support/social group specific for transgender / non-binary gender individuals, or spanish-speaking individuals
Anyone can help with any of the tasks below, which are currently categorized under specific committees:
Education committee members
If you have experience as a speaker, educator and/or influencing school policies.
Put together information for educational seminars/presentations at the Center, or GSA events
Help to keep the trans* resource binder up to date.
Legal committee members
If you have a legal background, we need someone as an advisor.
Helping to assist community members with their legal name and gender change; filling out forms and accompanying them to court dates, if requested.
Helping to find local attorneys who can help the trans* community.
Event committee members
If you have experience as an event planner
Help to plan Trans Day of Visibility and Remembrance and other events - specific tasks can include contacting performers, looking into venues, buying supplies for the event, etc.
Helping to organize social events for trans* community members - e.g. movie nights, community dinners, etc.
Economic committee members
If you have experience as a hiring manager or in HR, we need your advice/input to help job-seekers
Helping to compile a list of trans* friendly local employers
Helping people with their resumes/cover letters, as well as to give job-seeking tips
Health committee members
If you have experience as a medical provider or have a background in medical sciences
Helping to collect information about local trans* friendly healthcare providers
Stay informed on current medical practices that benefit the trans* community, and help to disseminate the information
Media committee members
If you have experience as a webmaster, web designer, and/or social media marketer
Run the GAP Instagram and Facebook pages
Update GAP website
Keep a lookout for trans*-relevant news and notify other members of the group